The Seasons
- The earth rotates once every 24 hours on its imaginary axis
- The earth axis os always tilted at the same angle.
- This rotation causes day and night
- The earth revolves around the sun
- This path is called orbit.
- The sun does not move it stays in one position.
- The earth takes 365 1/4 days to revolve around the sun.
- The revolution of the earth causes seasons
Summer and winter days
summer in the southern hemisphere:
- summer solstice sun's rays fall directly over the tropic of Capricorn -22 December
- the southern hemisphere is tilted towards the sun
- the southern hemisphere has summer
- experience long days and short nights
- south pole has 24 hours of daylight.
Winter in the southern hemisphere :
Winter Solstice:
- the sun's rays fall directly over the tropic of cancer-21 June (winter solstice the southern hemisphere is tilted away from the sun
- the southern hemisphere has winter experience short days and long nights
- south pole has a 24 hour night
Autumn And Spring In The Southern Hemisphere:
- the sun's rays fall directly over the equator -21 march
- neither hemisphere is tilted towards the sun
- the southern hemisphere has autumn
- all places on the earth have a 12 hour day and night
- 21 march -autumn equinox
Spring In The Southern Hemisphere:
- the sun's rays fall directly over the equator- 23 September
- neither hemisphere is tilted towards the sun
- the southern hemisphere has spring
- all places on earth have a 12 hour day and night
- 21 march- Autumn Equinox
the state of the atmosphere at a particular place and time as regards heat, cloudiness, dryness, sunshine, wind, rain, etc.
he weather conditions prevailing in an area in general or over a long maps:
a map showing the state of the weather over a large area
Climate maps
Climate maps. give general information about the climate and precipitation (rain and snow) of a region. Cartographers, or mapmakers, use colors to show different climate or precipitation zones. Economic or resource maps.
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